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How Long Will A Gas Powered Generator Run & How To Extend The Time?

How Long Will A Gas Powered Generator Run & How To Extend The Time?

You can use a generator for so many things; it can power your worksites and also power your RV.  You can depend on it for power backup in case there is an unexpected power outage.

They can be used at a worksite also too run your electrical equipment, especially if the worksite is at a place that is off the grid.

The answer to the question of how long a gas-powered generator can run depends on several factors and there may not be an absolute answer to it.

You can also read how long a propane-powered generator will run?

The load carried by the generator may be one of the factors.  The runtime will be short if the generator consumes fuel quickly. The reverse is the case if the rate of fuel consumption is slow.

Some other factors that can determine how long the fuel in a generator can last are the type of generator and the size of the fuel tank.

This means that a larger generator with a bigger tank capacity will run for a longer time than a smaller generator with a smaller fuel tank.

How Long Will A Gas Powered Generator Run

On average, a portable gasoline generator is expected to run for 7.5 hours to 12 hours. If the generator is powered by propane, on the other hand, it can run for as long as 8 days, while a generator using natural gas can continue running for up to 3 weeks.

Quality of the generator

The quality of a generator can determine how long it can run. The wearable parts of a generator may go bad if it is subjected to a prolonged period of operation.

So, a generator with top-quality wearable parts can last for a very long time, while one with poor-quality wearable parts may not be able to withstand the stress of working for a very long time.

Run time for portable gasoline generators

Most portable gasoline generators are affordable and you can transport them with erase. Be that as it may, the runtime is usually low.

As we have mentioned above, they can run continually for 7.5 to 12 hours at a go. Studies show that some gasoline generators are able to run for up to 24 hours nonstop.

If you need a generator at a worksite or campsite that is off the grid, a portable generator should, therefore, serve your need for electricity.

It can also be used as a power backup source at home during a power outage.  Some models are known to last for as long as 14 hours, while you can find since that can last for 18 hours.

However, you will also have to consider the amount of load on the generator since the load can determine how long it can last.

If you only have to run few electrical appliances, then it is possible to get a longer run time from the generator.

This is rarely the case if you have to connect so many electrical appliances to the generator when it is running.

How Long Will A Gas Powered Generator Run

A generator will last for a longer period if it runs at half load compared to when it runs at full load. Be that as it may, we can only estimate how long the generator needs to run since its actual calculation is impossible.

To get an estimation of a generator’s runtime, we will divide the fuel tank capacity by the rate of fuel consumption of the generator.

This will give you the maximum runtime of the said generator. It is also possible for the dealer to give you the estimated runtime of the generator when you want to buy it.

How to increase generator run time

Fuel while it is working

One of the best ways to make your generator run for a longer period is to attempt to pour more fuel into it while it is working.

However, this can be dangerous since generators get hot while they work and the fume from the fuel you are pouring can lead to a fire outbreak.

So, it is better to switch off the generator first and allow it to cool down before you add more fuel to it.

The load connected  

The amount of load you connect to the generator can also determine how long it can run. If the generator is loaded to capacity, it can reduce how long the generator will last.

The reverse is the case if the generator runs at about half of its capacity, which will make it run for a longer period.

Get a dual-fuel generator

If you want to keep your generator running for a very long time, you can do this by getting a dual-fuel generator.

Such a generator can run for a very long time and provide the required power for your needs. Make sure also that the generator has a very strong engine.

A generator with dual fuel does not make a lot of noise.  It is also very easy to use. Oil change in such a generator is equally easy.

Get something very big

Many portable generators may run for a very long time, but they cannot run for as long as the non-portable standard generators.

The very big ones are able to run for a very long time and will always give you value for money. The big ones can even run for a week or longer continuously so that they can meet your power need for a very long time.

Connect extra fuel source

To get the generator running for a very long time, you need to make fuel available for such a prolonged period.  The generator can stop running once the fuel is exhausted.

To avoid this limitation, you can pour fuel in a big container and hang it at a level higher than the generator, while connecting the fuel to the generator’s carburetor with a pipe.

This way, the generator can keep on running for many hours since there will be sufficient fuel to keep it running.


The above information would have opened your eyes to some very important that determine how long a gas generator can work.

It will also enlighten you on how to increase the run time.

Some important factors must be put into consideration, however, when planning to run your generator for a long time, like the type of generator, the quality of its wearable parts, the load connected to the generator, and so on.

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