HomeGeneratorsHow Much Propane Does a Whole House Generator Use? (Answered!)

How Much Propane Does a Whole House Generator Use? (Answered!)

Generators can be used for so many purposes. The baseline is that they generate electricity where there is no connection to the grid.

The amount of load on the generator can go a long way to determine how much propane fuel the generator will use within a given period.

If you load the generator to full capacity, fuel consumption will be high. If you load it to just half of its capacity, on the other hand, the rate of fuel consumption will be halved. The load on the generator can determine the power being drawn from it.

How Much Propane Does a Whole House Generator Use

You can use generators to provide electricity for emergency purposes and you can use them to power electrical appliances in a remote area not linked to the power grid. Generators can meet your power needs at a campsite and worksite.

If the generator uses propane, it will be good if you have an idea of how much propane the generator will use so that you can have an idea of how much fuel you need to purchase. This way, you will not be without power in those remote locations.

How long propane generator tank can run generators

A generate with the capacity of 20 pounds of propane can hold about 4.6 gallons of fuel. Such a generator can run for 4 to 5 hours before it requires a refill.  When empty, the 20-pound tank weighs about 17 pounds. Propane weighs 4.6 pounds per gallon.

If the tank of the generator weighs 100 pounds, on the other hand, it can run the generator for up to 66 hours if it is powering a 7kw generator and 36 hours when powering a 12kw generator.

The above runtime is premised on the generator operating between 25% and 75% of its capacity. 23.6 gallons of fuel will fill a 100-pound propane tank.

How Much Propane Does a Whole House Generator Use?

Before you can successfully estimate how much propane gas your generator uses,  you will need to first understand how much power the loads on the generator are drawing from it.

The power drawn by generators is estimated based on kilowatts of power and every electrical appliance has its own rating of approximated watts per hour of use.

One thousand watts of energy is equivalent to one kilowatt (kW).

To power a whole house, you will need between 5000 and 7,000 watts or 5 to 7kW.  Such an amount of energy will provide adequate power for electrical appliances like a laptop, a refrigerator, and lights.

You will have to go for something higher if you are to include a water heater, a large freezer, and a full air-conditioning unit to the lot.

Studies show that a propane generator uses about 3 pounds of propane every hour it operates.  A generator with a 20-pound tank can contain 4.6 pounds of fuel.

A full tank of propane can last for 6 days if the tank has a capacity of 400 gallons of propane and can generate 20kW of power since it consumes 2 to 3 gallons of fuel every hour.

Bear in mind that the total weight for a generator able to accommodate 400 pounds of propane is about 500 pounds.

How affordable is propane?

Propane costs less amount of money per gallon when compared to gasoline or diesel.  This is because its density is lower compared to the two.

However, gasoline generators are more efficient than propane generators and can only produce a few BTUs per gallon of fuel.

A gallon of propane contains energy 27% less than the energy in a gallon of gasoline. Propane can, however, produce cleaner energy than gasoline. And this makes it environment-friendly.

How to reduce propane gas consumption in your generator

Service the generator regularly

Regular servicing or your generator will cut down fuel consumption a great deal. If you do not have the expertise to service the generator, you can simply hand it over to a trained professional so that it can be done properly.

Servicing the generator will repair any damage that can make the engine work under stress and increase fuel consumption

When replacing spare parts, make sure you purchase quality spare parts for that purpose. A trained professional can be trusted for the purchase of quality spare parts for your generator.

Get rid of carbon deposits

One other way to reduce fuel consumption in your generator is to remove all the carbon deposits in it.

Carbon deposit is generated in the course of fuel combustion as a byproduct. The carbon deposit can form on several internal components of the generator, like the piston top, valve, and injector.

It takes a long time before this can happen in a propane generator, which is one of the reasons it is trusted for clean energy by many.

It does not generate a lot of carbon deposits for a long time because it has a lower density than other types of fuel like gasoline and diesel.

 No overloading

Overloading the generator can speed the rate of fuel consumption.  When the generator is overloaded, more demand will be laid on the power generated by the generator and this will increase energy consumption.

It can force the generator to work a lot harder than before too and this will make the generator consume more fuel.

Before you buy the generator, find out if it can produce adequate power to run your electrical appliances.

Take some time to first measure your energy needs and bear that in mind while purchasing a generator.

Buy a generator capable of powering all your electrical appliances satisfactorily so that you will not have to put a lot of pressure on the generator, thereby saving a lot of fuel.


With the help of the information above, it should be clear now how much fuel is required by a propane generator to power a whole house.

The tips we have given above can also help you to reduce how much fuel the generator can use per hour.

Aside from not overloading the generator, you should also keep it in a cool place as an overheated generator can also consume more fuel. Make sure the correct coolant temperature is maintained at all times.

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